
Richard Tardif is an award-winning investigative journalist, editor, bestselling author, publisher, gutsy storyteller, and proven writing and speaking coach. Known for transforming first drafts into inspiring bestselling books and bland essays into persuasive speeches, the prolific writer offers professional publishing services for those with a resonating desire for transformation. Richard's background includes 25 years of reporting on the health and fitness industry, cybersecurity, Internet safety, Canadian Indigenous relations, and the newspaper industry's transformation.

Keto, all the time: Lack of research, and potential health risks

By Richard Tardif The ketogenic diet, an extreme low-calorie, high-fat eating plan ballyhooed by celebrities (Halle Berry and Kourtney Kardashian to name a few) and social-media’s day-in and day-out certification of a process forcing the body to use fat for energy instead of the body’s chosen source of, dare I say it, sugar. Known as …

Keto, all the time: Lack of research, and potential health risks Read More »

2bFit opens high-end health centre in LaSalle

A multi-purpose, on-site health centre, where you can still have a workout and trip the cardio, and have immediate access to a variety of classes and health professionals has come to LaSalle. Though 2BFit Health Centre is undergoing renovations, the centre promises a high end and modern facility offering aerobics, spinning and mixed martial arts …

2bFit opens high-end health centre in LaSalle Read More »

The Swede who outlasted the Canadian, and still does!

By Richard Tardif The 60-year-old men in Sweden will always be known to be in better shape, or at least as fit, running next to any 30-year-old Canadian man, thanks to a 15-second, grainy and badly recorded 1973 ParticipACTION television commercial shaming Canadians into thinking about their health. The commercial, which aired only six times …

The Swede who outlasted the Canadian, and still does! Read More »