
Richard Tardif is an award-winning investigative journalist, editor, bestselling author, publisher, gutsy storyteller, and proven writing and speaking coach. Known for transforming first drafts into inspiring bestselling books and bland essays into persuasive speeches, the prolific writer offers professional publishing services for those with a resonating desire for transformation. Richard's background includes 25 years of reporting on the health and fitness industry, cybersecurity, Internet safety, Canadian Indigenous relations, and the newspaper industry's transformation.

NEATness counts, maybe for couch potatoes – By Richard Tardif

Long walks or walk meetings, I read, can add to your overall fitness and health goals. It’s called Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) and it isn’t a pass to eat more, because you cannot out walk or out exercise your unhealthy eating patterns, yet NEAT is attracting a great deal of attention lately, and all for …

NEATness counts, maybe for couch potatoes – By Richard Tardif Read More »

All this sugar can’t be good for you?

By Richard Tardif It isn’t. Last year the World Health Organization announced it would eventually chop the organizations’ daily sugar recommendation of 10 percent of total sugar intake to five. Less rigid is the U.S. Institute of Medicine recommendation of 25 percent of daily calories from sugar. Canada’s Food Guide is laissez-faires over sugar consumption serving …

All this sugar can’t be good for you? Read More »