
Richard Tardif is an award-winning investigative journalist, editor, bestselling author, publisher, gutsy storyteller, and proven writing and speaking coach. Known for transforming first drafts into inspiring bestselling books and bland essays into persuasive speeches, the prolific writer offers professional publishing services for those with a resonating desire for transformation. Richard's background includes 25 years of reporting on the health and fitness industry, cybersecurity, Internet safety, Canadian Indigenous relations, and the newspaper industry's transformation.

Writing is a Great Career if it Wasn’t for the Writing

“Writing is a great job if it wasn’t for the writing.” — Richard Tardif, 2018. Unless you are one of those unique individuals who can turn out a clear, emphatic first draft, you will rework your speech and, more than likely, a great deal. Some of the best, prolific authors and speech writers are meticulous, writing …

Writing is a Great Career if it Wasn’t for the Writing Read More »

What Public Speaking Would Be Like If Erroneous Zones Didn’t Exist

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer wrote a particular phrase in his 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones, like this: “Entertain yourself with a fantasy in which you allow yourself to have anything you want. No holds barred. You have enough money to do what you want. You’ll find that almost all your mental meanderings are attainable. You …

What Public Speaking Would Be Like If Erroneous Zones Didn’t Exist Read More »

Krazed Jester Crashes Toastmasters Meeting, Leaves Toasty Tongue Twisters and Wacky Wordplay.

Are you ready to become a public-speaking superhero? Or a Krazed Jester? Look no further than Toastmasters, where toasty tongue twisters and wacky wordplay are the secret weapons to mastering the art of public speaking. Let’s be honest; public speaking can be terrifying. The thought of standing in front of a crowd and delivering a …

Krazed Jester Crashes Toastmasters Meeting, Leaves Toasty Tongue Twisters and Wacky Wordplay. Read More »

“Puddinggate: When Themeless Speeches Let You Down

“Always mystify, torture, mislead, and surprise the audience as much as possible.” — Don Roff, writer and filmmaker. Standing at the podium, I raced with thoughts of Winston Churchill’s infamous words: “Take away this pudding; it has no theme!” I had just concluded a rambling and disorganized speech, leaving the audience befuddled, disinterested and less …

“Puddinggate: When Themeless Speeches Let You Down Read More »