
Richard Tardif is an award-winning investigative journalist, editor, bestselling author, publisher, gutsy storyteller, and proven writing and speaking coach. Known for transforming first drafts into inspiring bestselling books and bland essays into persuasive speeches, the prolific writer offers professional publishing services for those with a resonating desire for transformation. Richard's background includes 25 years of reporting on the health and fitness industry, cybersecurity, Internet safety, Canadian Indigenous relations, and the newspaper industry's transformation.

Richard Tardif speaking at Pointe-Claire Toastmasters on August 3, 2022. By Sylvie Bergeron

How Low can FlufferNutters go When Telling a Story?

In March 2020, Beth Blum published The self-help Compulsion: Searching for advice in modern literature. The Harvard Assistant Professor of English studied how readers have engaged with books as guides for becoming better people. What caught my eye was Blum’s suggestion that perhaps we are missing out on literary classics like storytelling and fiction as …

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Why Your Fear of Public Speaking Never Works Out the Way You Plan

The fear of public speaking is a shared form of anxiety. It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic, trembling hands, sweaty palms, tense body, breathlessness, a quavering voice, and a brain freeze. Does that sound like fun to you? Right? That fear, by the way, is what keeps you humble and …

Why Your Fear of Public Speaking Never Works Out the Way You Plan Read More »

Six Shocking Ways Toastmasters Will Make You a Better Dancer—Even If You Don’t Speak

By Phil Méthot and Richard Tardif Are you looking for a fun way to improve communication and build skills to help your career? Pointe-Claire Toastmasters allows you to engage with people with similar interests in a supportive and comfortable setting.  Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a …

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Why Yawning Beats Peanut Butter on Pancakes

Research led by Andrew C. Gallup, associate professor of psychology at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, suggests that yawning has a brain-cooling function.  “Brain temperature rises during times of stress and anxiety,” Gallup said. “And yawning naturally occurs before and during stressful situations, promoting relaxation and better cognitive functioning. It has nothing to do with boredom.” Although there …

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George VI (r.1936-1952) | The Royal Family. Copyright: Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2016

What you can learn from a King’s speech

If you’ve seen the 2010 film The King’s Speech, you know it is about King George VI’s 1939 live radio address explaining why the United Kingdom had to enter into war against Germany. Simple? Right? It was anything but for the new King. He faced several difficulties, including his impostor-syndrome anxiety after ascending to the throne, …

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The headless fatty

An effigy of hate, discrimination & intolerance Originally published May 1, 2019. The headless fatty, a term made popular in 2007 by activist Charlotte Cooper, refers to photographs or videos of anonymous obese people used in news media stories about obesity. The headless fatty is seen walking while drinking a diet soda, sitting in front …

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Into the Buzz Zone Podcast – Ethical Hacker Terry Cutler

Terry Cutler is a Canadian cyber security expert, cytologist and teacher, often described as an “ethical hacker” for his long-term work with cyber security and protection. Cutler is the founder, former CTO, and current CEO of Cyology Labs.  Terry shares his knowledge on company cybersecurity and Internet protection from hackers on your home computer. Length: …

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